40 research outputs found

    Super-Resolution Radar Imaging with Sparse Arrays Using a Deep Neural Network Trained with Enhanced Virtual Data

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    This paper introduces a method based on a deep neural network (DNN) that is perfectly capable of processing radar data from extremely thinned radar apertures. The proposed DNN processing can provide both aliasing-free radar imaging and super-resolution. The results are validated by measuring the detection performance on realistic simulation data and by evaluating the Point-Spread-function (PSF) and the target-separation performance on measured point-like targets. Also, a qualitative evaluation of a typical automotive scene is conducted. It is shown that this approach can outperform state-of-the-art subspace algorithms and also other existing machine learning solutions. The presented results suggest that machine learning approaches trained with sufficiently sophisticated virtual input data are a very promising alternative to compressed sensing and subspace approaches in radar signal processing. The key to this performance is that the DNN is trained using realistic simulation data that perfectly mimic a given sparse antenna radar array hardware as the input. As ground truth, ultra-high resolution data from an enhanced virtual radar are simulated. Contrary to other work, the DNN utilizes the complete radar cube and not only the antenna channel information at certain range-Doppler detections. After training, the proposed DNN is capable of sidelobe- and ambiguity-free imaging. It simultaneously delivers nearly the same resolution and image quality as would be achieved with a fully occupied array.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, Accepted to IEEE Journal of Microwave

    Radar-Based Recognition of Static Hand Gestures in American Sign Language

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    In the fast-paced field of human-computer interaction (HCI) and virtual reality (VR), automatic gesture recognition has become increasingly essential. This is particularly true for the recognition of hand signs, providing an intuitive way to effortlessly navigate and control VR and HCI applications. Considering increased privacy requirements, radar sensors emerge as a compelling alternative to cameras. They operate effectively in low-light conditions without capturing identifiable human details, thanks to their lower resolution and distinct wavelength compared to visible light. While previous works predominantly deploy radar sensors for dynamic hand gesture recognition based on Doppler information, our approach prioritizes classification using an imaging radar that operates on spatial information, e.g. image-like data. However, generating large training datasets required for neural networks (NN) is a time-consuming and challenging process, often falling short of covering all potential scenarios. Acknowledging these challenges, this study explores the efficacy of synthetic data generated by an advanced radar ray-tracing simulator. This simulator employs an intuitive material model that can be adjusted to introduce data diversity. Despite exclusively training the NN on synthetic data, it demonstrates promising performance when put to the test with real measurement data. This emphasizes the practicality of our methodology in overcoming data scarcity challenges and advancing the field of automatic gesture recognition in VR and HCI applications.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to IEEE Radarconf202

    A Wireless Angle and Position Tracking Concept for Live Data Control of Advanced, Semi-Automated Manufacturing Processes

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    Despite recent industrial automation advances, small series production still requires a considerable amount of manual work, and training, and monitoring of workers is consuming a significant amount of time and manpower. Adopting live monitoring of the stages in manual production, along with the comprehensive representation of production steps, may help resolve this problem. For ergonomic live support, the overall system presented in this paper combines localization, torque control, and a rotation counter in a novel approach to monitor of semi-automated manufacturing processes. A major challenge in this context is tracking, especially hand-guided tools, without the disruptions and restrictions necessary with rigid position encoders. In this paper, a promising measurement concept involving wireless wave-based sensors for close-range position tracking in industrial surroundings is proposed. By using simple beacons, the major share of processing is transferred to fixed nodes, allowing for reduced hardware size and power consumption for the wireless mobile units. This requires designated localization approaches relying on only relative phase information, similar to the proposed Kalman-filter-based-beam-tracking approach. Measurement results show a beam-tracking accuracy of about 0.58 ∘ in azimuth and 0.89 ∘ in elevation, resulting in an overall tracking accuracy of about 3.18 cm

    Mechanical performance evaluation of fiber composites equipped with In-Situ wireless sensor bodies

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    In modern day structural engineering, fiber-composites play a vital role for their capability for light-weight construction and high stiffness value. More and more applications are being developed in various industries ranging from science, architecture and engineering. These structures can also be equipped with multi-component sensor systems for different performance evaluations both during pre- and post-curing processes. In this work a novel method is developed to place wireless sensors inside the fiber reinforced composite system to enable multifunctionality without much trade-off in mechanical performance. Key objective here was to optimize the sensor shape to minimize stress accumulation and crack propagation around the sensor geometry inside the cured composite sample under stress. A finite element simulation model is developed for this purpose and a parametric model for the sensor geometry provided better insight into the force distribution along the fibers around the sensor element. Consequently, different testing sample combinations were prepared, for which, fibers were either cut or bend around the sensors and dielectric channels. Various composite samples with different shapes of sensor dummies were also experimentally tested to validate the computational results. CT scan models of post-cure samples before and after loading enabled in-depth understanding of fiber alignment that could cause disturbances in overall mechanical performance. The scan models also provided with sufficient information about unwanted porosity, and micro-crack growth inside the composite under loading, which turned out to be vital for establishing a reliable simulation model and improving parameters in manufacturing process. In the end, the goal of the work was to transport the know-how of such production unit from experimental and flexible manufacturing system like vacuum assisted resin infusion (VARI) to more sophisticated processing systems like prepreg manufacturing where all necessary information can be provided as inputs prior to the impregnation, thus removing error occurred due to manual handling

    A Realistic Radar Ray Tracing Simulator for Hand Pose Imaging

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    With the increasing popularity of human-computer interaction applications, there is also growing interest in generating sufficiently large and diverse data sets for automatic radar-based recognition of hand poses and gestures. Radar simulations are a vital approach to generating training data (e.g., for machine learning). Therefore, this work applies a ray tracing method to radar imaging of the hand. The performance of the proposed simulation approach is verified by a comparison of simulation and measurement data based on an imaging radar with a high lateral resolution. In addition, the surface material model incorporated into the ray tracer is highlighted in more detail and parameterized for radar hand imaging. Measurements and simulations show a very high similarity between synthetic and real radar image captures. The presented results demonstrate that it is possible to generate very realistic simulations of radar measurement data even for complex radar hand pose imaging systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted at European Microwave Week (EuMW 2023) to the topic "R28 Human Activity Monitoring, including Gesture Recognition

    UAV Formation Optimization for Communication-assisted InSAR Sensing

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    Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is an increasingly important remote sensing technique that enables three-dimensional (3D) sensing applications such as the generation of accurate digital elevation models (DEMs). In this paper, we investigate the joint formation and communication resource allocation optimization for a system comprising two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to perform InSAR sensing and to transfer the acquired data to the ground. To this end, we adopt as sensing performance metrics the interferometric coherence, i.e., the local correlation between the two co-registered UAV radar images, and the height of ambiguity (HoA), which together are a measure for the accuracy with which the InSAR system can estimate the height of ground objects. In addition, an analytical expression for the coverage of the considered InSAR sensing system is derived. Our objective is to maximize the InSAR coverage while satisfying all relevant InSAR-specific sensing and communication performance metrics. To tackle the non-convexity of the formulated optimization problem, we employ alternating optimization (AO) techniques combined with successive convex approximation (SCA). Our simulation results reveal that the resulting resource allocation algorithm outperforms two benchmark schemes in terms of InSAR coverage while satisfying all sensing and real-time communication requirements. Furthermore, we highlight the importance of efficient communication resource allocation in facilitating real-time sensing and unveil the trade-off between InSAR height estimation accuracy and coverage

    Concept for an Automatic Annotation of Automotive Radar Data Using AI-segmented Aerial Camera Images

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    This paper presents an approach to automatically annotate automotive radar data with AI-segmented aerial camera images. For this, the images of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) above a radar vehicle are panoptically segmented and mapped in the ground plane onto the radar images. The detected instances and segments in the camera image can then be applied directly as labels for the radar data. Owing to the advantageous bird's eye position, the UAV camera does not suffer from optical occlusion and is capable of creating annotations within the complete field of view of the radar. The effectiveness and scalability are demonstrated in measurements, where 589 pedestrians in the radar data were automatically labeled within 2 minutes.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted at IEEE International Radar Conference 2023 to the Special Session "Automotive Radar

    Achieving Efficient and Realistic Full-Radar Simulations and Automatic Data Annotation by exploiting Ray Meta Data of a Radar Ray Tracing Simulator

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    In this work a novel radar simulation concept is introduced that allows to simulate realistic radar data for Range, Doppler, and for arbitrary antenna positions in an efficient way. Further, it makes it possible to automatically annotate the simulated radar signal by allowing to decompose it into different parts. This approach allows not only almost perfect annotations possible, but also allows the annotation of exotic effects, such as multi-path effects or to label signal parts originating from different parts of an object. This is possible by adapting the computation process of a Monte Carlo shooting and bouncing rays (SBR) simulator. By considering the hits of each simulated ray, various meta data can be stored such as hit position, mesh pointer, object IDs, and many more. This collected meta data can then be utilized to predict the change of path lengths introduced by object motion to obtain Doppler information or to apply specific ray filter rules in order obtain radar signals that only fulfil specific conditions, such as multiple bounces or containing specific object IDs. Using this approach, perfect and otherwise almost impossible annotations schemes can be realized.Comment: Accepted for IEEE RadarConf 202

    Joint Transmit Signal and Beamforming Design for Integrated Sensing and Power Transfer Systems

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    Integrating different functionalities, conventionally implemented as dedicated systems, into a single platform allows utilising the available resources more efficiently. We consider an integrated sensing and power transfer (ISAPT) system and propose the joint optimisation of the rectangular pulse-shaped transmit signal and the beamforming vector to combine sensing and wireless power transfer (WPT) functionalities efficiently. In contrast to prior works, we adopt an accurate non-linear circuit-based energy harvesting (EH) model. We formulate and solve a non-convex optimisation problem for a general number of EH receivers to maximise a weighted sum of the average harvested powers at the EH receivers while ensuring the received echo signal reflected by a sensing target (ST) has sufficient power for estimating the range to the ST with a prescribed accuracy within the considered coverage region. The average harvested power is shown to monotonically increase with the pulse duration when the average transmit power budget is sufficiently large. We discuss the trade-off between sensing performance and power transfer for the considered ISAPT system. The proposed approach significantly outperforms a heuristic baseline scheme based on a linear EH model, which linearly combines energy beamforming with the beamsteering vector in the direction to the ST as its transmit strategy.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, six page version of this paper has been submitted to IEEE ICC 202